Harriet Miller Driving Instructor – Pass Plus

Harriet Miller Driving Instructor - Pass Plus

When you have reached the required standard you will be awarded a certificate from the Driving Standards Agency which usually entitles you to a discount of up to 35% on motor insurance.

You have now passed your test and can’t wait to get in car and go!

What is Pass Plus?

Pass Plus is a scheme designed by the Driving Standards Agency with the help of the Motor Insurance and Driving Instruction industries. The scheme helps new drivers gain valuable experience to help develop existing skills and learn new skills and techniques, improve anticipation and awareness, learn how to reduce the risk of accidents and maintain a courteous and considerate attitude on the road.

Once you have passed your test you are safe to drive on the road unaccompanied but it is important to remember that you are actually a new and inexperienced driver.

Statistics show that new drivers are around 10 times more likely to be involved in an accident, and regrettable, two drivers under the age of 25 have fatal accidents driving in the UK. Roughly around 25% of new drivers will be involved in an accident in the first year of driving and that is the reason insurance premiums are so high!

Pass Plus Tuition Covers:

  • Town driving
  • Country roads
  • Motorways
  • Dual Carriageways
  • Night driving
  • Bad weather driving

What are the benefits of Pass Pluss?

The Pass Plus tuition course is a minimum of 6 hours of intensive training of which some of the modules above will be used. There is no test at the end of the course, you will be asses by your instructor (myself). When you have reached the required standard you will be awarded a certificate from the Driving Standards Agency which usually entitles you to a discount of up to 35% on motor insurance.

Pass Plus results

As an indication of the effectiveness of the scheme a recent survey carried out by the Driving Standards Agency showed that 93% of people who had taken Pass Plus felt more confident on the road, and 80% considered that their driving skills had improved as a result of taking the course.

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